Civil Engineering

If you enjoy planning, designing and executing structural works, get fascinated by the structures such as Burj Dubai tower, Bandra – Worli Sea link, Petronas Twin Towers, Civil Engineering is the best choice for you. Civil Engineering is one of the oldest and broadest of the Engineering disciplines, extending across many specialties. Civil Engineers plan, design, and supervise the construction of facilities essential to modern life. These facilities vary widely in nature, size, scope and include bridges, buildings, tunnels, highways, transit systems, dams, airports, harbors, water supply systems and waste water treatment plants, to name a few.

There are few major, inter-related to Civil Engineering:

1. Structural Engineering

Structural Engineers face the challenge of designing structures that support their own weight and the loads they carry; these structures should be in a position to resist extreme forces from wind, earthquakes, bombings, temperature and others. Bridges, buildings, amusement park rides and many other kinds of projects are included within this specialty.

2. Environmental Engineering

The skills of Environmental Engineers have become increasingly important as we protect our fragile resources. Environmental Engineers translate physical, chemical and biological processes into systems to destroy toxic substances, remove pollutants from water, reduce non¬-hazardous solid waste volumes, eliminate contaminants from the air and develop groundwater supplies.

3. Geotechnical Engineering

Geotechnical Engineering is required in all aspects of Civil Engineering because most projects are supported by the ground. A Geotechnical Engineer may develop projects below the ground, such as tunnels, foundations and offshore platforms. They analyse the properties of soil and rock that support and affect the behaviour of these structures.

4. Water Resources Engineering

Water is essential to our lives, and water resources engineers deal with the physical control of water. They work with others to prevent floods, supply water for cities, industries and agriculture, to protect beaches or to manage and redirect rivers.

5. Transportation Engineering

The quality of a community is directly related to the quality of its transportation system. Transportation Engineers work to move people, goods and materials safely and efficiently. They find ways to meet our ever-increasing travel needs on land, air and sea. They design, construct and maintain all types of transportation facilities, including airports, highways, railroads, mass transit systems and ports.

6. Construction Engineering

The construction phase of a project represents the first tangible result of a design. Using technical and management skills, Construction Engineers turn designs into reality ¬ on time and within budget.

7. Urban and Community Planning

Planners are concerned with the full development of a community. They analyse a variety of information to co-ordinate projects, such as projecting street patterns, identifying park and recreation areas and determining areas for industrial and residential growth.

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